My Thoughts On War

I want to address something that’s been bugging me for awhile, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this.

I’ve always considered myself as a peaceful soul. I wouldn’t involve myself in any form of argument if it can be helped. And if I am, I would often tell my side in a calm approach. No matter what happened, I never liked to involve myself in a dirty conflict, and I’m talking about conflicts that would happen on a regular basis, a little misunderstanding.

But what if a way bigger conflict occurred– a war perhaps?

I live in a country where it smells like war is coming, but– we’re far from prepared. No underground bunkers, no gas masks, drill practices, and so on. Hell, we aren’t even armed enough! If a huge country waged war on us, we’re done for. And that’s what I’m afraid of.

I’ve reread The Diary of Ann Frank enough times, I hate war more than anything in this world. But this morning, as I was reading the news, I had a hunch that it might come soon, in my lifetime. I hate to think that its inevitable. Are humans really that cruel? Haven’t we had enough with wars?

Supreme leaders carry the lives of millions of people on their shoulders with ease but some of them don’t even seem to mind that. You would think that we’d choose someone whose worthy.

Why are there people who want to hurt others so bad? Is it right to sacrifice the lives of millions from the other corner, just to benefit the millions on your corner?

Do they really desire that much?

Somewhere in this world, a child is born with dreams of becoming a someone when they grow up. What could happen to them and their families if war broke out?

We could all die in this.

Or is this just my anxiety? But how could I not feel anxious?

You might think I’m a coward. You could say that– I’d understand. But I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid that humanity could end before it reached its true potential, that we could end before we lived enough.

The first.

Most firsts are hard to do. Like me here, having a difficult time deciding what to write on my first actual blog post (The welcome post not counted).

I end up trying to reflect on other people’s firsts. How did it feel when my mother saw my father’s face for the first time? How did it feel when JK Rowling wrote the first sentence of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone? The thing about firsts, they’re always always unpredictable.

Like the first time I jumped of a tree when I was a kid because my friends were pressuring me. I was scared at first, and then I got tired of my friends teasing me so I just jumped and it felt so awesome. When I was on the ground, I realize the tree was not as high as I thought it was.

In the end of the day your firsts can be your biggest mistake or the most awesome thing you’ve ever done in your whole life. Either way, its your choice.

Firsts are like roller coaster rides, you’ve seen other people try it and you might think its so easy or its so hard. Wait ’till its your turn.

Buckle up then, because life will never runs out of firsts.

“Contemplation and enthusiasm, Ambition and strong coffee” -We were liars

Ladies and Gents,

Welcome to my humble site!

Thank you for checking this out! I hope you take the time to stay and read my weekly epiphanies. This blog will be filled mostly of random things like pens, perpetual motion and Rene Magritte paintings. Every once in a while, I will post an excerpt from one of the stories I’m working on or a poetry, or maybe a reaction from a book I just read. Anyway, so much for introductions! I hope you guys enjoy my weird blogging and inconsistent writing.

